 / Physicians

Rural programs and incentives

To encourage physicians to practice in rural areas, various programs and incentives are offered by Northern Health and the government of British Columbia.

Recruitment incentive

This is a one-time incentive for physicians recruited to fill current or pending vacancies:

  • Prince George: $15,000
  • All other Northern Health communities: $20,000
  • Funding is pro-rated for physicians working less than full-time.

Relocation incentive

One-time incentive for physicians who agree to serve two years in a specific rural community:

  • Relocation stipend as follows: $9,000 if moving within BC, $12,000 if moving within Canada, and $15,000 if moving from out of country.
  • This incentive is not available to physicians moving to Northern Health from a British Columbia community where a recruitment and retention agreement is already in place.

Rural retention program
  • Premium on fee-for-service MSP billings. Amount varies per community.
  • Annual flat fee. Amount varies per community

Rural Continuing Medical Education
  • Physicians may be eligible for funding opportunities to update and enhance medical skills and credentials required for rural practice.

Isolation allowance fund
  • Physicians may be eligible for funding in communities with fewer than four physicians and no hospital.

Rural emergency enhancement fund
  • Funding for fee-for-service physicians who collaboratively provide emergency services on a regular, scheduled basis.

Rural education action plan
  • Training opportunities for physicians in rural practice
  • Rural practice experience for medical students and residents

Northern and isolation travel assistance outreach program
  • Travel assistance for visiting physicians to provide medical services in eligible rural and isolated communities.

Rural GP locum program
  • Assistance for family practitioners to take subsidized periods of leave from their practices to pursue continuing medical education, vacation, etc.
  • Provides locum physicians with practice opportunities in northern British Columbia.

Rural GP anesthesia locum program
  • Assistance for family practitioners with enhanced anesthesia skills to take subsidized periods of leave from their practices to pursue continuing medical education, vacation, etc.
  • Provides locum physicians with practice opportunities in northern British Columbia.

Rural specialist locum program
  • Assistance for specialists to take subsidized periods of leave from their practices to pursue continuing medical education, vacation, etc.
  • Provides locum physicians with practice opportunities in northern British Columbia.

Emergency on-call incentive

More information on rural programs and incentives

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