 / Physicians


Telehealth shrinks the distance between you and your patients

Did you know? Northern Health currently hosts more than 500 telehealth visits each month. It’s currently being used in a wide variety of settings, including:

  • Palliative care
  • Pre- and post-surgery education
  • Mobile maternity
  • Renal
  • Cardiac (via NORTH clinic)
  • Blood-borne pathogens
  • Nephrology
  • Urology
  • Pediatrics
  • Oncology

As well, telehealth can help you connect with groups such as the BC Cancer Agency, BC Children’s Hospital, and more.

How telehealth can benefit medical staff
  • Patients are more likely to seek care and attend follow up appointments
  • Home clinicians can benefit by being involved in telehealth appointments with a remote expert
  • Likewise, remote practitioners can more effectively support the community: there’s better integration into the community, and stronger implementation of the plan of care
  • Better care, better follow up, better health outcomes

What hardware do you need for telehealth?

Telehealth works seamlessly with your existing devices. You can use any of the following:

  • Desktop or laptop with camera and microphone:
    • Operating system: Windows or MacOS
    • Web Browser: Chrome/Safari/Edge
  • Smartphone:
    • iOS or Android
  • Tablet:
    • iOS or Android

What software do you use for telehealth?
  • Jabber: Fully functional softphone with video on your PC or mobile device
  • Jabber Guest: Link-based tool for one-way video calling
  • Web-browser-based tool: No-install, no-frills tool for videoconferencing
  • Webex: Full featured, ideal for large gatherings (25+ people)
  • Skype for Business: NH’s standard videoconferencing tool


Does NH have to schedule and set up my telehealth session?
No, you can dial directly to set it up. However, if you prefer, the scheduling service is still available.

In order to use telehealth, do I have to drastically change my office routines?
Telehealth can be incorporated into your office workflow with few or no changes.

Can I bill for telehealth?
Most services offer fee codes for telehealth use. Contact us for more information.

Will telehealth be expensive for my private practice?
We’ve worked very hard to make telehealth affordable for everyone. Depending on your choices, costs vary from free to a few hundred dollars a year.

Is telehealth available only inside an NH facility?
You can use it anywhere, even out of province. With telehealth, you can be there for an NH patient anywhere you have an internet connection.

Who do I contact if I need technical support for ZOOM / Telehealth / video calls?
For technical support, please call 250-645-3450 or email Telehealth@northernhealth.ca.


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