 / Physicians

Medical Assistance in Dying


Medical Assistance in Dying is a legal service that may be provided by a physician or a nurse practitioner to patients suffering with a grievous and irremediable medical condition when the natural end of life is in the foreseeable future.

Northern Health is working closely with the government, professional colleges and other healthcare agencies to contribute to policy that supports Canadians who wish to have medical assistance in dying.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC Professional Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assistance in Dying describes the process for providing Medical Assistance in Dying.


Care coordination

MAiD Care Coordination in Northern Health consists of a Care Coordinator and Medical Lead who support both physicians and patients.

MAiD Care Coordinator

  • Connects patients requesting assisted dying with participating physicians;
  • Facilities the care required to assisted dying in a Northern Health facility and;
  • Offers to support assisted dying provided by physicians and nurse practitioners in the community.

Phone: 250-645-8632 or 1-888-645-8527
Fax: 250-565-2640
Email: Maid@northernhealth.ca

MAiD Medical Lead

  • Information resource to all northern physicians about Northern Health’s ability to provide medical assistance in dying;
  • Supports participating providers by providing information regarding the provision of care, accessing to educational opportunities, and privileging requirements;
  • Recommends physicians for privileging in Medical Assistance in Dying; and
  • Provides educational presentations on medical assistance in dying to physician groups and to interested public groups.

Dr. Mike Wright
Phone: 250-261-9979
Email: mgjrm@pris.ca


Providing MAiD

Medical Assistance in Dying for Assessors and Prescribers e-Learning Course

There is a MAID e-learning course for Assessors and Prescribers available on the PHSA Learning Hub. This course is the CME prerequisite for obtaining the non-core privileges required to provide MAiD in a Northern Health facility.

More information:

  • The course consists of four modules, a quiz, and a certificate of completion issued upon successful completion of the course
  • Takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete
  • Physicians need to create an account on the Learning Hub using their college ID number
  • The course can be searched using the following key words: Medical Assistance in Dying, MAiD, or Assessors and Prescribers

For help with creating an account on the learning hub, please contact the E-Learning Advisor at 250-565-2920 or view the steps to create an account.

Process Flowchart for the Provision of Medical Assistance in Dying in Northern Health

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC Professional Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assistance in Dying describes the process for providing Medical Assistance in Dying.



Provincial Forms for Medical Assistance in Dying

All forms (Patient, Practitioner and the Medical Assistance in Dying Travel and Training Assistance Program (MAiDTTAP)) are accessible on the Forms for Medical Assistance in Dying page of the Ministry of Health website.

Prescription and Medication Administration Record and BC Pharmacy Protocol

The BC Medical Assistance in Dying Prescription form (including the Pre-Printed Order, Planning and Accountability sections and the Medication Administration Record) and the British Columbia Pharmacy Protocols guidance document are not available for general distribution. These documents can be accessed by the prescribing practitioner through the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia or for prescribing or for review through the Northern Health Care Coordinator.

Phone: 250-645-8632



Medical Assistance in Dying for Assessors and Prescribers e-Learning Course

Initially posted May 2017. Updated May 2018

There is a MAID e-learning course for Assessors and Prescribers available on the PHSA Learning Hub. This course is the CME prerequisite for obtaining the non-core privileges required to provide MAiD in a Northern Health facility.

More information:

  • The course consists of four modules, a quiz, and a certificate of completion issued upon successful completion of the course
  • Takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete
  • Physicians need to create an account on the Learning Hub using their college ID number
  • The course can be searched using the following key words: Medical Assistance in Dying, MAiD, or Assessors and Prescribers

For help with creating an account on the learning hub, please contact the E-Learning Advisor at 250-565-2920 or view the steps to create an account.

Collaboration and Compassion: A Team Approach to Medical Assistance in Dying

Posted September 2016

Vancouver Coastal Health and the Provincial Health Authority recorded a four hour CME session September 28, 2016 on Medical Assistance in Dying that is housed on the PHSA Learning Hub.

If you do not already have an account, you can create one without an employee ID number. Once you have logged in you can search Medical Assistance in Dying. The session is called Collaboration and Compassion: a Team Approach to Medical Assistance in Dying - Recorded Education Session.

Northern Health Policy Rounds

January 19, 2017

Northern Health has recorded a WebEx session on 'A Patient's Choice and Providing the Service in Northern Health'. The session provides information on the history of MAiD, the Northern Health MAiD policy, the role of the physician, and the role of the RN in MAiD.

Presented by Kirsten Thompson, NH MAID Care Coordinator and Regional Director of Risk and Compliance and Cathy Czechmeister, Lead Professional Practice, Nursing



Non-core Advanced Procedural Privileges for Medical Assistance in Dying are required for physicians acting as a Prescriber in order to provide assisted dying in a Northern Health Facility. 

  • These privileges are not required for physicians acting only as a Physician Assessor
  • These privileges are not required for physicians prescribing and providing assisted dying in the community.  

Please note: The CPD component of this privileging requires that the physician must complete the Medical Assistance in Dying for Assessors and Prescribers e-Learning Course through the PHSA Learning Hub as described in the Confirmation of Privileges Form (below).

Obtaining Privileges:

To request non-core advanced procedural privileges for medical assistance in dying, please contact:

Credentialing and Privileging Office:

Phone: 250-645-6073
Fax: 250-645-6336
Email: NHAppointment@northernhealth.ca


1. Contact the Credentialing and Privileging Office at NHAppointment@northernhealth.ca

2. The Credentialing and Privileging Office will provide you with the following information as attachments to an email:

  • Application for Advanced Procedural Privileges for MAiD
  • AppCentral link to the provincial MAiD privileging dictionary
  • Confirmation of Privileging Requirements Form - which contains links and information that you are required to review

3. You will be contacted by the NH Medical Lead, Medical Assistance in Dying, for a confirmatory conversation

Please visit our Credentialing and Privileging page for more general information.


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