 / Physicians

Regional Eating Disorder Clinic

The Eating Disorder Clinic, located in Prince George, serves children, youth, and adults living with eating disorders. It offers in-person outpatient care for people in Prince George and the surrounding area (and for people who prefer to travel to Prince George), and virtual services (phone or video chat) for people anywhere in the North.

The team includes a manager, a team lead, an administrative assistant, youth and adult therapists, dietitians, nurses, an occupational therapist, family physicians, life skills workers, and a psychiatrist.

What services does the Eating Disorder Clinic provide?

The team provides the following services:

  • Assessments
  • Consultations
  • Education for individuals and family members
  • Treatment:
    • Family therapy
    • Individual therapy
    • Group therapy
    • Meal support
    • Nursing health checks as needed (in person only)

Virtual care: Everyone in the North, regardless of where they live, can now access the clinic virtually, via telehealth or video. The clinic supports regional clients with diagnosis, treatment planning, and connections to a full range of services in their home communities.

Regional groups: The clinic has been working hard to build and integrate groups for adults that can be accessed virtually from anywhere in the region.

Case consultation and support: The clinic and team offer individual support and consultation to physicians, nurses, dietitians, counsellors, and other professionals who are working with clients with eating disorders.

Bridging the gap: The clinic offers an inpatient liaison assistance for teams supporting clients requiring inpatient admissions in their home communities that are eating disorder related.

Connection to other programs: We facilitate referrals to more specialized programs, such as those at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver or BC Children’s Hospital / Looking Glass Residence. This includes helping clients and teams determine the best fit for care options.

For more information

How do I refer a patient?

Complete a Regional Eating Disorders Consultation Referral form. This document is available in MOIS and AIHS and can also be ordered through Northern Health’s Document Source. Please fax it to 250-645-8039.

Due to the volume of referrals received, we ask that patients not call the clinic to confirm their referral has been received. You will receive a “Receipt of Referral” fax.

Regional Eating Disorder Clinic
1308 Alward Street, 2nd Floor
Prince George BC  V2M 7B1

Phone: 250-645-7440
Fax: 250-645-8039
Email: EDC@northernhealth.ca

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