 / Physicians

Credentialing and privileging

Project Q&A

Northern Health is committed to supporting and responding to practitioner questions as the credentialing and privileging (C&P) system, i.e. CACTUS software is implemented across BC.

What are core and non-core privileges?

Core privileges are defined by the residency training objectives and are the foundational activities that are preformed within a discipline that are assigned collectively (if provided by a facility) to medical staff. These activities are performed by the majority of practitioners. 

Non-core privileges are those outside the normal activities of a discipline and require additional training, credentials or demonstration of skill.

Can practitioners update their profile in AppCentral?

Through AppCentral, the online application system, practitioners will have the ability to update their information. This will only be available during application/reappointment times.

Is there a designate for practitioner questions and support with AppCentral?

The NH business coordinator will be the initial contact person for practitioners for issues, and if the issues are IT related, it will be forwarded to the NH technical coordinator to resolve. NH business coordinator: Telephone 250-645-6073 or via email at NHAppointment@northernhealth.ca

How are locums managed in CACTUS?

Is there one profile that is updated across all health authorities?

Example: When a practitioner completes training, can this certification be uploaded and shared to all HA's?

Any provider who is existing in another HA and now applies at NH will have their provincially shared information, if current within 1 year, prepopulate their application forms. If a practitioner changes any of the provincially shared information on an application, this will update for all HA’s they are affiliated to. For example, new certification needs only to be submitted once if current. 

Other examples of documents/information that will be shared is:

  • Licenses
  • CMPA
  • References

Does this new system credential practitioners who join the Provincial Rural Locum program?

The Rural Locum program is not part of this provincial initiative at this time. Their current application requirements will remain the same.

Is there a module in CACTUS which will support practitioners in referring their patients?

Referral processes are not part of this provincial initiative. The iDirectory module will provide a list of practitioners and their contact information throughout Northern Health and may assist in locating other specialists for referral purposes.


Provincial C&P project


BC Health Authorities have worked collaboratively to implement a new practitioner credentialing and privileging online system, a centralized source of information, called CACTUS. The (C&P) project is one of several initiatives implemented based on the recommendations of the 2011 Cochrane Report.

The CACTUS system will standardize credentialing and privileging processes across all BC Health Authorities for medical staff, dentists, and midwives.

What changed?

  • Credentialing and privileging information will be shared between BC Health Authorities
    • Reduced paperwork
    • Flexibility for practitioner working in multiple Health Authorities
  • Online and standardized appointment and reappointment processes across BC
    • Online reappointment applications will be pre-populated
  • Provincial privileging dictionaries with discipline-specific privileges
    • Privilege consistency
  • Secure storage of practitioner information with strict security protocols

Additional resources

For more information on the C&P project, please visit the resource and reports page on the British Columbia Medical Quality Initiative website


Privileging dictionaries

The provincial privileging dictionaries contain the practice objectives, standards and discipline-specific privileges for all medical staff applying to or holding privileges in BC Health Authorities.

The dictionaries support the improvement and standardization of provincial privileging processes and enhance patient safety through defined practice parameters. The dictionaries outline the core privileges within each discipline and the non-core privileges which require additional training.

The dictionaries are intended to be an ongoing work-in-progress and will be updated in iterative cycles of review. The first scheduled review is underway and will be from 2016-2019. The BC Medical Quality Initiative (BC MQI) welcomes input from practitioners, specialty experts, and governing bodies throughout the review process. Please visit the dictionary review hub to learn more and provide feedback.


Appointment process

The credentialing and privileging office is responsible for the overall administrative management of practitioners (medical staff, dentists, and midwives) applying for medical staff membership or to renew their membership with Northern Health. This includes the credentialing and privileging of practitioners for facilities and programs across the North in accordance with the Northern Health medical staff bylaws and medical staff rules.

Appointment process

Practitioners submit their appointment applications to Northern Health through an online system, AppCentral. Please refer to the AppCentral manual for more information. There are more user guides and resources available on the BC MQI website.

Contact information

Credentialing and privileging
600 – 299 Victoria Street
Prince George, BC V2L 5B8

Northern Health policy information


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