 / Physicians

Regional Pain Clinic

The Pain Clinic at UHNBC is a regional clinic that serves patients and supports primary care providers. The clinic team has grown to include three pain physicians, two nurse specialists, and a clerk.

  • The clinic has resumed accepting patients with WorkSafe BC cases
  • New referrals are being accepted, with a wait time to see a physician of approximately 12-18 months
  • Patients for whom an urgent referral is received will be prioritized accordingly

For non-emergent patient-related questions, chronic pain consultation is now available through the RACEApp+. Please visit the RACE Connect website to learn about the service. To connect with your local specialist first, set your "site of practice" to Northern.

Who should I refer?

The Pain Clinic team treats patients with:

  • Cancer-related pain
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Mechanical back and/or neck pain
  • Palliative patients with uncontrolled pain
  • Spasticity
  • Specific nerve pain

Who should not be referred?

Patients who are actively abusing substances, have an uncontrolled psychiatric disorder, or have a BMI of >40 are not eligible for treatment at the clinic as these contraindications have been found to be negatively correlated with treatment compliance or success.

What services does the Pain Clinic provide?

As a specialized service, the clinic team works in collaboration with the patient and their primary care providers. A plan of care will be developed utilizing the biopsychosocial model. After consultation with the pain physician, it may be recommended that a patient undergo an interventional procedure such as a sympathetic block, facet injection, or epidural at the clinic. The physicians may also recommend pharmacological treatments, movement therapy, and/or mental health supports.

How do I refer?

Complete a pain service referral form and have your patient complete the patient pain questionnaire. These documents are available in MOIS, AIHS, and can be ordered through Northern Health’s Document Source. Fax these documents to 250-565-2160 along with:

  • Complete history of the pain complaint and relevant medical history
  • Medication list
  • Treatment strategies attempted
  • Relevant diagnostic investigations
  • Previous consultations or surgeries

Due to the volume of referrals received, we ask that patients not call the clinic to confirm that their referral has been received. The requesting provider will receive a “Receipt of Referral” fax.

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