 / Physicians

All DMO-MOIS users - DMO is upgrading


NH DMO – MOIS upgrading to version 2023.2 on Aug 30, 2023.

Release notes summary:

  • DMO dictation bar will be dark blue.
  • Users do not need to restart DMO to use a newly created auto-text or step-by-step command.
  • Users can say “Make that an auto-text” when the 'Manage Auto-texts' dialog is already open.
  • DMO no longer terminates unexpectedly when the 'Options' dialog box is closed.
  • Issue that could lead to Dragon Medical One becoming unresponsive during dictation was fixed.
  • If a Dragon Medical server session timeout occurs when DMO has been in standby mode for more than five minutes, users can resume dictation by saying “Wake word”.

Further information and practice implications

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