 / Physicians

Call out for qualified health care providers


Northern Health is appreciative of all the assistance we have received to date from health care providers in the North supporting our COVID-19 immunization clinics. This support has been an integral component of Northern Health’s COVID-19 response, administering vaccine doses to mitigate impacts of COVID-19 on our communities and health care system.

Right now Northern Health is seeking help.

Northern Health is seeking more qualified health care workers to provide COVID-19 immunizations and support our current booster campaign efforts throughout the region.

Qualified health care providers include a number of occupations (e.g. midwives, practicing and non-practicing physicians, practicing nurses, retired nurses, nursing students, dentists, and emergency responders). A full list of who is qualified under current PHO orders is on the Government of British Columbia website.

If you are qualified, interested, and available to assist with our continuing immunization efforts we encourage you to reach out to us at pandemicresponse@northernhealth.ca

We will review all expressions of interests and contact you if your availability aligns with clinic opportunities. COVID-19 education and clinic orientation provided.

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