 / Physicians

Cardiac education prior to transfer to cardiac tertiary center


Northern Health cardiac patients requiring higher level of care services must be transferred to one of the five cardiac tertiary centers in the Province.

Recently, it has been noted by the tertiary sites that several NH cardiac patients have arrived with no personal belongings, clothing, ID, money, and with no return plan home post cardiac intervention once discharged. This has resulted in longer admissions at the receiving tertiary center and inappropriate repatriation requests. To support seamless cardiac transfers, staff and physicians from sending facilities must ensure cardiac patients and families receive the following education on how to prepare for their transfer.

Cardiac Education to be completed before transfer:

  1. Ensure patients have their:
    1. Personal Identification
    2. Credit Card or Debit Card for return trip home
    3. One small bag
    4. Personal Medications
    5. Glasses, contacts lenses, dentures, hearing aids, and mobility aids
  2.  Ensure patients have a discharge plan post cardiac intervention:
    1. Patients are to arrange travel back to home community (i.e. private vehicle, commercial flight, NH Connections* Vancouver only at this time)
    2. Repatriation via air ambulance is only available for patients requiring additional acute care services greater than 72 hours post return transfer from tertiary center
      1. Belongings must still be sent with patient for transfer even if repatriation required

For more information, see the full memo.

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