 / Physicians

Ebola virus disease update on infection prevention and control recommendations and NH planning

  • Status update: Ebola outbreak in Uganda continues. While risk of international spread remains limited, Canada has implemented a travel health notice including screening at the border. In BC, work continues to refresh guidelines and protocols.
  • The NH regional group will be meeting every two weeks and revision of current NH documents is underway
  • The Ebola virus Diseases: suspected or confirmed (OurNH link) policy has been updated (links and references updated)
  • UHNBC laboratory will be providing Ebola Virus Disease - essential Tests (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, TCO2, AGAP, Ionized Calcium, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Lactate, pH, PCO2, PO2, TCO2, HCO3,BE, sO2, Troponin T, hemoglobin, malaria rapid test, platelet and WBC estimates, Blood cultures x 2sets (on-site) and Ebolavirus PCR (which will be sent to BCCDC)
  • Ebola Toolkit (page on OurNH) is under development
  • An education module is available: Infection Control Precautions for High Threat Pathogens - LearningHub (phsa.ca) (~1 hour)
    • Education is recommended for all NH ER and combined ER/ICU, Housekeeping designated teams,  UHNBC - Lab designated team members, RT designated team members, Radiology designated team members, Physicians   
  • More information and updates can be found on the provincial Ebola website.

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