 / Physicians

Health Emergency Management BC has activated the provincial Emergency Health Provider Registry


In consultation with Health Authority Emergency Management colleagues and with the support of the Provincial Health Officer, Health Emergency Management BC has activated the provincial Emergency Health Provider Registry (EHPR) in support of the recently declared Provincial State of Emergency due to the wildfires burning across many parts of the province.

Health Authority (HA) staffing office contacts may now access the Emergency Health Provider Registry for the coordination/deployment of health care providers to provide relief staffing in the affected region(s).

Please note that currently there are no immediate staffing needs reported, but the EHPR is being activated given there is a potential for staffing challenges in the near-future. 

BC doctors, nurses and allied health professionals who are interested in helping out during an emergency can join the Emergency Health Provider Registry by calling HealthLink BC at 8-1-1.

Please see the HealthLink BC announcement for further info and a list of frequently asked questions. 

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