 / Physicians

Northern Health's Indigenous Health program launches new resources and reviews successes


Northern Health’s Indigenous Health program launched their new website today, along with a new video introducing cultural safety in health care systems. They also announced a name change from Aboriginal Health to Indigenous Health. At a presentation attended by Prince George area MLAs, Dr. Margo Greenwood, Vice President of the Indigenous Health program, shared highlights from the past year. 

The Indigenous Health team has undertaken considerable work over the past year in support of Northern Health’s commitment to partner with Indigenous peoples and communities, and to build a health care system that honours diversity and provides culturally safe services. 

This month, Indigenous Health launched a short animated video introducing cultural safety and related concepts in an easily understandable way. It invites health care providers to participate in making the health care system culturally safe for Indigenous people and families. They also released an accompanying booklet by the same title, Cultural Safety: Respect and dignity in relationships.

In addition, Indigenous Health launched a new website www.indigenoushealthnh.ca. They built this site as a resource and place of engagement for Northern Health leaders and staff, as well as for Indigenous community members and organizations. The site was developed to provide clear and accessible information with an elegant design that speaks to both the head and the heart. It has the potential to grow with our work as we develop more ways to share information about cultural safety and humility. 

The new website offers a new interactive map as a one-stop destination for locations and contact information of Indigenous communities and health centres, Friendship Centres, and Métis Associations in northern BC. The map provides a glimpse into the past that still resonates across landscapes and in communities by including the location of five former residential schools. It also provides location and contacts for Aboriginal Patient Liaisons and Northern Health Aboriginal Health Improvement Committees.

For more information please see the news article on the Northern Health Website.

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