 / Physicians

Physician Education Department: October Newsletter


Save the Date!

  • Jasper Winter Retreat - February 1-4, 2018 Jasper, AB
  • Realities of Northern Oncology Conference (RONOC) ~ May 4 & 5, 2018 Prince George, BC

Featured Event

November 3, 2017 ~ 7:30 am 5 pm

UHNBC Learning and Development Centre, Prince George, BC

Dinner and Dance: Coast Inn of the North - 770 Brunswick St. Prince George, BC

  • 6 pm Cocktails and appetizers
  • 7 pm Dinner
  • 8 pm Retiree presentations for: Dr. John Dufton, Internal Medicine; Dr. Robin Lowry, Internal Medicine; Dr. June Frye, Psychiatry; Dr. Peter O'Malley, Family Practice
  • 9 pm Dance

To RSVP please contact Heather.Gummow@northernhealth.ca.

Featured Opportunity

Clinician Quality Academy!

This course is offered throught the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council and is an 8 month course focused on providing participants with the capability to effectively lead quality and safety initiatives in the process of improving health care quality. The travel, tuition, and reimbursement for lost clinical time will be covered by the SSC Physician Quality Improvement Initiative. Please contact physicianqi@northernhealth.ca if you are interested.

Did you Know?

The physician education department has a CME calendar that lists all of the upcoming CME events taking place. 

A list of CME events taking place in November 2017 is listed below for your reference.

If you have any questions regarding the calendar, upcoming events, or need assistance with anything CME/physician education related, please contact the Physician Education department at 250-565-5872 or 250-565-5814 or by email at physician.education@northernhealth.ca.

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