 / Physicians

Quality Forum 2018 and Champions of Change JCC Event - Call for Abstracts


Save the date and share your work at Quality Forum 2018, February 21-23! Deadline to submit an abstract is September 8, 2017. 

Please save the date and also consider submitting an abstract for the JCCs pre-Forum event ‘Champions of Change’ taking place on February 21st, 2018 in partnership with BCPSQC’s Quality Forum on Feb 22nd and 23rd. 

They will be showcasing the wide range of innovative work underway across the province at the event and invite you to share your stories, ‘how-to’ tips, and lessons learned from your role as initiator, leader, manager or supporter of change in your health care community. 

The JCCs will provide support for any successful submissions for the Champions of Change. For more information, please email JCC@doctorsofbc.ca

Submit your abstract today!

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