 / Physicians

Red cell and factor product redistribution


In a provincial and national rarity, Northern Health (NH) has been recognized by the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO). NH was awarded in December 2021 for Red Cell and Factor Redistribution and Utilization Management Initiatives in the 2020-2021 year.

From the BC PBCO website, “To help minimize Red Cell waste, the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) coordinates a Provincial Red Cell Redistribution Program. Participating small and medium-sized hospitals send blood that is nearing its expiry date (10-14 days before expiry) to a designated large hospital where blood is more likely to be used.”

The following facilities have been recognized:

The 2020-2021 Utilization Management Award for outstanding participation as a red cell receiving site
University Hospital of Northern BC

The 2020-2021 Utilization Management Award for outstanding achievement of a zero per cent red cell expired/outdated rate
Bulkley Valley District Hospital
Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre
Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital

The 2020-2021 Provincial Factor Concentrate Redistribution Award for outstanding zero per cent health authority expiry rate of all factor products
Northern Health Authority

Congratulations and thank you to all of the staff in the participation in the red cell redistribution with NH for your excellent work, every day.

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