 / Physicians

Support Available for Physician-Initiated Research in Northern BC


Do you have a research idea or data you would like to explore, but don’t have the time? If you would like support and assistance with developing a research proposal, obtaining ethics approval, collecting and analyzing your data, there is now assistance available. 

Dr. David Snadden – Rural Doctors’ UBC Chair in Rural Health – and experienced researchers at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) want to help facilitate the research ideas of northern physicians, from study design and data acquisition to knowledge translation. They can pull together data into a format that is easily understandable within your practice and by diverse audiences. 

What they offer:

  • Consultation on research ideas and interests

  • Support with the development of research proposals and ethics applications

  • Connection to other trained professionals and experienced researchers

  • Advice on study design and the application of statistical methods

  • Collection and analysis of data

  • Displays/summaries of results through presentations, infographics and publications

Janna Olynick is a Research Associate at UNBC with a focus on community health research. With a specialization in quantitative research, including study design and data analysis, Janna is keen to work with physicians in northern BC and support their research ideas. 

They feel that collaborative research is important to better support physicians in Northern BC and enhance health services for our northern population. If you have an idea or think you could use some help please let them know. They have limited resources at the moment but would really like to understand how much interest there is in this kind of support.

For further information, please contact:

Janna Olynick, MSc
Research Associate, RNPRP
School of Nursing
The University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way, Prince George BC V2N 4Z9
Email: Janna.olynick@unbc.ca

Dr. David Snadden, MB ChB, MD, MCISc
Professor, Rural Doctors’ UBC Chair in Rural Health
Faculty of Medicine
The University of British Columbia, Northern Medical Program
9-386 Northern Health Sciences Centre
3333 University Way, Prince George BC, V2N 4Z9
Email: David.snadden@ubc.ca


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