 / Physicians

BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre Funding Announcement: Developing Northern Research Collaborations


The BC SUPPORT Unit, Northern Centre, has dedicated funding to provide the opportunity for researchers, health care providers, decision makers, and patient partners to develop collaborations for person, family, and community centred research. The Developing Northern Research Collaboration Awards are expected to catalyze research that aligns with CIHR's SPOR Capacity Development Framework and the SPOR Patient Engagement Framework.

The total amount available for this competition is $50,000, enough to fund up to 5 awards. The maximum amount per award is $10,000 per year for up to one year starting March 1, 2018. 

Key Competition Dates:

ACTION  DATE  Competition Launch  October 26, 2017  Deadline for Submission  January 8, 2018  Adjudication  January 2018 Notification of Funding Results February 2018 Funding Term March 1, 2018-February 28, 2019

The application form is located on the BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre website.

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