 / Physicians

JSC Stipend Notice for Rural BC Doctors with Early Bird Registration


The Joint Standing Committee (JSC) has made available a $1,000 Stipend Funding Available for Rural Physicians to attend the Rural and Remote Medicine Course in Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 4-6, 2019.

If you are a practicing rural physician who is interested in confirming your eligibility to receive the stipend, please email: RuralPrograms@doctorsofbc.ca 

Stipends will be reimbursed after the event with proof of registration and attendance.

Early Registration closes on November 01, 2019. To register and for further information, please visit the registration web page

This event offers one of the largest rural medical conferences, and gives rural doctors the opportunity to gain or upgrade vital skills, exchange knowledge, develop your professional and social networks, and compare notes on the evolving field of rural medical practice.

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