 / Physicians

IHI Annual National Forum 2019


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will be hosting their annual National Forum in Orlando, Florida this year December 8-11, 2019. This is an incredible conference highlighting healthcare quality improvement around the world, and providing the opportunity to network with nearly 6,000 healthcare professionals. 

The Specialist Services Committee (SSC), through the “Leadership Scholarship Fund”, will cover the expenses of registration, accommodation, meals and travel. To apply for the scholarship, please complete the attached document and email it to jcctraining@doctorsofbc.ca and you will receive an email with your discount code for registration. You will also be required to make your own travel arrangements. Note that:

  • A one-time pre-approval has been arranged and does not require the endorsement of your VPs of Medicine. However, you will still be required to complete the application process and submit it to the SSC so that your funding can be applied.
  • Sessional funding will not be provided, nor can it be charged to the local Physician Quality Improvement (PQI) budget
  • Please note that by attending the IHI National Forum, the funds will be drawn from each physician’s annual $10,000 allotment for the scholarship.

For any assistance please contact physicianqi@northernhealth.ca

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