 / Physicians

Register Now: Provincial Cardiovascular Genetics Program Update


Given the current situation with COVID-19, this meeting has been cancelled. We commit to future engagement with health care providers in Northern BC. Please feel free to contact Kirsten Bartels (Kirsten.bartels@phsa.ca) for more information. 

Cardiac Services BC is leading a provincial project to streamline and redesign services related to Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases and Sudden Cardiac Death.  The “Provincial Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions (ICC) and Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) Management Program – Collaborative System Redesign” project aims to engage diverse stakeholders from across BC and bring them together to inform, consult and collaborate on the redesign of a centrally coordinated, family-centred Provincial Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sudden Cardiac Death Management Program. Physicians are key stakeholders for this province-wide consultative process.

We hope to move from fragmented clinics with varying levels of service and expertise to a proposed province-wide program with a central intake service that results in a systematic, holistic approach for all inherited cardiovascular conditions associated with a risk of sudden cardiac death. Attached is a document for your reference as well as a graphic showing mostly all of the conditions that would fall within the cardiovascular genetics program.

We are working to get a good understanding of the current patient pathway for those with inherited cardiac conditions as well as get insight and feedback from their health care providers. This meeting aims to provide a summary of the project goals and progress so far as well as discuss with you how we can best work together on a shared care model to serve the Northern BC population.

This session is intended for health care providers involved in the care for patients with inherited cardiovascular conditions including (but not limited to) Internists, Paediatricians, GPs, NPs and Cardiac & Community Nurses.

Physicians in attendance can be reimbursed for their time through our PHSA Health System Redesign funds (Joint Collaborative Committee of Doctors of BC). Physicians traveling from >/= 50km away can be reimbursed for travel as well.

Background information.

Northern Stakeholder Session
Date: March 20th, 2020
Time: 12 -1 pm


  • Dr. Andrew Krahn, Head of the Division of Cardiology, University of British Columbia
  • Kirsten Bartels, Provincial Project Consultant, Cardiac Services BC  

There are various ways you can join us. Please RSVP by March 16th to Leanne Nahulak (leanne.nahulak@northernhealth.ca ) or Kirsten Bartels (Kirsten.bartels@phsa.ca)

Physical Locations:
Prince George – UHNBC - LDC 0501
Terrace – Mills Memorial Hospital – Education Room

(If you would like to join from a video conference room, please book one at your facility and send the Facility Name, Room name or number, and the Alias or IP address when you RSVP).

Virtual Location:
Chrome Web Browser

Toll-free 1-844-651-2007, followed by 30204 #

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