 / Physicians

Give us your feedback on a new order set for adult inpatients with eating disorders


We are requesting feedback from physicians, dietitians, nursing staff, pharmacy, and other allied health service providers to review the new order set on Adult Eating Disorders: Medical Stabilization Orders for Inpatient Admissions.

The order set will be available to all communities across Northern Health. It will help standardize care for adult inpatients with eating disorders who need medical stabilization. These standards are based on provincial guidelines for inpatient medical management of eating disorders, and were made in direct consultation with St. Paul’s Inpatient Eating Disorder Program.

Online clinical practice standards are available through OurNH for further review. Please submit all feedback by 4 pm on September 18.

Feedback can be sent to Daney Disher, Clinical Nursing Lead, Daney.Disher@northernhealth.ca.

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