 / Physicians

Safe Medication Order Writing Resources and Audits


Accreditation Canada requires each health authority to have an auditing system in place to ensure that Safe Medication Order Writing (SMOW) is being followed. NH randomly audits physician orders, and as of 2017, our medication safety team will be sending results to specific physicians when an order does not comply with SMOW. The results of the audit will be in the form of a letter attached to the copy of the order received, and will be placed in the physician's mailbox in hospital, with patient information removed. If you receive an audit letter, please review and adjust your order writing practice to meet the clinical practice standard.

The NH Safe Medication Order Writing Clinical Practice Standard was approved by the NH Medical Advisory Committee in 2014 and we advise you to review this practice standard. There is also a NH Safe Medication Order Writing E-Course for Prescribers on the NH Learning Hub that you are strongly encouraged to complete. 

Contact: Nicole Dahlen, NH Medication Safety & Informatics Pharmacist
Email: Nicole.dahlen@northernhealth.ca

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