 / Physicians

NH Everywhere (VDI) Remote Desktop Environment Upgrade


NH Everywhere (VDI) Remote Desktop Environment is being upgraded March 22 at 0900. Desktop icons will remain the same; however, any history of workstations that you remote into for home or office work will be missing. Take note of settings, such as IP Addresses, used to remote into home or office computers BEFORE the upgrade. You will be prompted for these settings, keep them on hand so you can enter the information once the upgrade is complete.

Any physician connecting from a personal device will need to upgrade their VMWare Horizon software to the latest version. This software can be downloaded from: www2.northernhealth.ca/vmview

Contact: Please call the Service Desk at 1-888-558-4357 if you encounter any problems accessing NH Everywhere (VDI) Remote Desktop Environment.

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