 / Physicians

MOIS update changes that will affect providers


On the evening of November 20, all Northern Health MOIS’ will be upgraded to MOIS 2.26. Two changes with this update will affect providers directly:

Encounter summary:
The encounter summary will be updated to match the rest of the summaries in the patient’s chart and includes new functionality such as the ability to send tasks from the summary and hyperlinks to where the records live in the Patient Chart. For more information on this change, see the support document.

DSM-5 Codeset:
There will now be the option to select the DSM-5 code system anywhere MOIS allows for documentation of a condition. As DSM-5 has a licensing fee, you must agree to a licensing agreement before using the DSM-5 codeset, and these agreements will be audited to track appropriateness amongst users. This agreement will popup in MOIS the first time you use DSM-5. To limit licensing fees, data entry for conditions attached to the DSM-5 should be completed by the user attached to the licensing agreement. For more information on these changes and how to use them, see the support document.

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