 / Physicians

Strategic Plan - Looking to 2025


We are pleased to introduce the refreshed Northern Health Strategic Plan – Looking to 2025, which was approved by the Northern Health Board on December 11, 2023.

After an in-depth internal consultation and discussion with the Ministry of Health during the spring and summer of 2023, it was decided that an approach to strengthening the current Strategic Plan was best at this time rather than undertaking a comprehensive and lengthy strategic planning process. The refreshed plan is a timely reflection of where we are and where we are going as an organization. It primarily acknowledges that we are still on the journey with our current priorities, while inserting meaningful changes to the Vision, Mission, Values, and priorities, which reflect inclusivity and commitment to all aspects of cultural safety.

The Strategic Plan helps guide what we prioritize to focus on as an organization. The priorities outlined within the plan will only be successful with our collective focus and effort towards their achievement. As the work within our strategic priorities is already in progress, this updated plan recognizes that we will continue our commitment to finishing the important work already underway.

We encourage all staff and medical staff to read through the full Strategic Plan and think about how they see themselves contributing to its achievement. A toolkit is linked below with additional posters and documents (viewable on MyNH – need to login using Northern Health username and password). Please talk to your manager or medical leadership about ordering some if you’re interested in having any of these available in your workplace. Feedback about the toolkit and suggestions for additional resources is welcome. More information can be found on the Values and Strategic Plan MyNH page and the Northern Health Strategic Plan external webpage.


Thank you to all Northern Health staff and medical staff for what you do to make a difference for people and to support the achievement of our Vision, Mission, and priority commitments.

For further information please see memo.

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