 / Physicians

COVID-19 Outbreak at St Paul’s Hospital Cardiac Units Resolved: Resume Normal Process


Cardiac transfers to St. Paul’s Hospital (SPH) and Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) can resume normal post-pandemic process.

NH Cardiac Transfer Process:

  1. Physicians can direct cardiac transfers to any of the five Cardiac Centres: SPH, VGH, Kelowna General Hospital, Royal Jubilee or Royal Columbian hospital.
  2. Physicians are required to call PTN at 1-866-233-2337 when cardiac transfer is required. PTN will coordinate a physician conference as needed with the suggested tertiary cardiac site.
  3. The NH Cardiac Triage Coordinator will continue to monitor cardiac transfers and work with PTN and the other Health Authorities to support cardiac transfers as needed.

For more information, see the full memo.

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