 / Physicians


Save the Date Realities of Northern Oncology Conference  - May 4-5, 2018 University Hospital of Northern BC, Prince George 2nd Annual Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Conference
The Northern Medical Society presents the 14th Dr. Bob Ewert Memorial Dinner and Lecture: "The Fire and the Fury"

Date: Saturday April 7, 2018 Location: Prince George Civic Center

Tickets are $125 each.

Save the Date: Tumbler Ridge Medical Conference

"3D Drugs, Dinos, Dinner and Much More..."

Date: May 25 - 27, 2018

The NH Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Program Mid-Year Report for 2017/18 is now available.

miFEPRIStone + miSOPROStol (Mifegymiso) Oral Tablets Pharmacare Coverage

The Shared Care Committee of Doctors of BC is conducting an evaluation of RACE and other rapid access services in order to plan its future.  Please take a few minutes to share your experience with RACEand make sure your views are included in shaping the service.

The University Hospital of Northern British Columbia has been experiencing a year-by-year increase in acuity level of patients cared for by internal medicine services.