 / Physicians

UBC CPD - CME on the Run! 2024-2025

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Add to my calendar 2025-02-07 13:00:00 2025-02-07 17:00:00 UBC CPD - CME on the Run! 2024-2025 UBC Department of Family Practice and UBC CPD invites you to join virtually for a CME on the run session discussing various topics within ophthalmology and ENT. Speakers:TBDTopics:Tinnitus/ Ringing Ears: Management and Red FlagsChronic Sinusitis: Management in Kids and AdultsFloaters, Flashes, and Curtains: Spotlight on Retinal DisordersPediatric Eye Conditions: What Not to MissSpotting Oral Lesions and the Rise of HPV SCC'sSnoring and Sleepy: a Balanced Look at OSACommon Systemic Diseases Affecting VisionRecurrent Styes and Eyelid ManagementHow to join:Registration: CME on the Run! 2024-2025 | Course | UBC CPDCME: 3.5 Mainpro+/sessionDisclaimer: The CME Event Calendar contains information originating from other sources. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced, we do not guarantee the accuracy, quality or CME accreditation of posted events. Before registering for this event, please refer to the provincially harmonized CME Policy regarding reimbursement requirements for courses and conferences. The content is tailored to a medical audience and is not intended as public health communication. Online Event Physician Education physician.education@northernhealth.ca America/Vancouver public
Add to Calendar: Start date 2025-02-07 13:00:00 2025-03-13 10:51:01 Title Description Location Physicians rajbir.singh@opin.ca America/Vancouver public
Add to Calendar: End Date 2025-03-13 10:51:01 2025-02-07 17:00:00 UBC CPD - CME on the Run! 2024-2025 CME on the run! 2024-2025 - ophthalmology and ENT Online Event Physicians rajbir.singh@opin.ca America/Vancouver public

UBC Department of Family Practice and UBC CPD invites you to join virtually for a CME on the run session discussing various topics within ophthalmology and ENT. 


  • TBD


  • Tinnitus/ Ringing Ears: Management and Red Flags
  • Chronic Sinusitis: Management in Kids and Adults
  • Floaters, Flashes, and Curtains: Spotlight on Retinal Disorders
  • Pediatric Eye Conditions: What Not to Miss
  • Spotting Oral Lesions and the Rise of HPV SCC's
  • Snoring and Sleepy: a Balanced Look at OSA
  • Common Systemic Diseases Affecting Vision
  • Recurrent Styes and Eyelid Management

How to join:

CME: 3.5 Mainpro+/session

Disclaimer: The CME Event Calendar contains information originating from other sources. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced, we do not guarantee the accuracy, quality or CME accreditation of posted events. Before registering for this event, please refer to the provincially harmonized CME Policy regarding reimbursement requirements for courses and conferences. The content is tailored to a medical audience and is not intended as public health communication.

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