 / Physicians


There are two main governing bodies for physicians: the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). 


The RCPSC CPD program is called MAINCERT or Maintenance of Certification (MOC). The requirements for fellows/members are: 

  • 400 credits in every 5 year cycle
  • A minimum of 40 study credits/hours must be taken per year of the cycle
  • Participation in these credits must be recorded

Possible accredited activities include grand rounds, workshops and conferences, personal learning projects, and teaching. For more detailed information on what counts towards credits, and the maximum credits allowed per type of activity, please see the framework of continuing professional development activities on the RCPSC website. 


The CFPC CPD program is called MainPro or Maintenance of Proficiency. The requirements for both certificant and non-certificant members of the college are:

  • 250 credits in every 5 year cycle
  • A minimum of 125 credits must be accredited (MainPro-M1 and/or MainPro-C) credits
  • The remainder of the credits can be non-accredited (MainPro-M2)

Please see the CFPC website for more information. 

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