 / Physicians

UBC CPD - Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 1)

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Add to my calendar 2025-03-27 17:30:00 2025-03-27 20:30:00 UBC CPD - Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 1) Please join us for an online session on "Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 1)".This Level 1 workshop is available to family physicians and specialist physicians who serve rural BC.Speakers:Elder Cheryl SchweizerDr. Rahul GuptaN'alaga (Avis O'Brien)Harley EagleLearning objectives:Embody and employ trauma-sensitive practices for offering health care rooted in cultural understanding and safety for Indigenous PeoplesStrengthen our understanding of ancestral land-based healing modalities that have supported trauma release for millenniaIdentify polyvagal theory and its implications for supporting trauma recovery with Indigenous relativesDeepen empathy and co-regulatory skills as a way of dismantling racism in the health care system and contributing to collective healingHow to join:Registration: Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship Level 1 (Mar 27) | Course | UBC CPDCME: This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by UBC CPD. You may claim a maximum of 2.75 hours (credits are automatically calculated). This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 2.75 Mainpro+® credits.Disclaimer: The CME Event Calendar contains information originating from other sources. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced, we do not guarantee the accuracy, quality or CME accreditation of posted events. Before registering for this event, please refer to the provincially harmonized CME Policy regarding reimbursement requirements for courses and conferences. The content is tailored to a medical audience and is not intended as public health communication. Online Event Physician Education physician.education@northernhealth.ca America/Vancouver public
Add to Calendar: Start date 2025-03-27 17:30:00 2025-03-28 10:05:31 Title Description Location Physicians rajbir.singh@opin.ca America/Vancouver public
Add to Calendar: End Date 2025-03-28 10:05:31 2025-03-27 20:30:00 UBC CPD - Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 1) Multiple speakers will present on trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship. Online Event Physicians rajbir.singh@opin.ca America/Vancouver public

Please join us for an online session on "Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 1)".

This Level 1 workshop is available to family physicians and specialist physicians who serve rural BC.


  • Elder Cheryl Schweizer
  • Dr. Rahul Gupta
  • N'alaga (Avis O'Brien)
  • Harley Eagle

Learning objectives:

  • Embody and employ trauma-sensitive practices for offering health care rooted in cultural understanding and safety for Indigenous Peoples
  • Strengthen our understanding of ancestral land-based healing modalities that have supported trauma release for millennia
  • Identify polyvagal theory and its implications for supporting trauma recovery with Indigenous relatives
  • Deepen empathy and co-regulatory skills as a way of dismantling racism in the health care system and contributing to collective healing

How to join:

CME: This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by UBC CPD. You may claim a maximum of 2.75 hours (credits are automatically calculated). This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 2.75 Mainpro+® credits.

Disclaimer: The CME Event Calendar contains information originating from other sources. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced, we do not guarantee the accuracy, quality or CME accreditation of posted events. Before registering for this event, please refer to the provincially harmonized CME Policy regarding reimbursement requirements for courses and conferences. The content is tailored to a medical audience and is not intended as public health communication.

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