 / Physicians


The Nova Statstrip (NSS) Lactate meter has been in use in NH since September 2020. It is used in the maternity wards at UHNBC and Ft. St. John Hospital to perform fetal scalp lactate measurements.

Physicians and/or healthcare workers may be exposed to hazardous drugs and related waste throughout the medication circuit – during compounding, administration, through exposure to blood and body fluids during the precautionary period, when handling waste or cleaning up spills.

From the Provincial Health Services Authority

Did you know: a health care provider recommendation is the main reason people get vaccinated?  

Despite the pandemic, the medical staff retention and recruitment team has been busy.

The Issue: Baxter has made some changes to their parenteral nutrition (PN) product lines which affects products carried by NH: discontinuation of one product completely and addition of two new products to replace current formulations.

BC Emergency Health Services, in partnership with all BC health authorities, will be implementing a new standard operating guideline to improve the flow of patients

The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council (the Council) has launched a Clinician Fellowship in Health Care Quality! Applications will be accepted until May 14.