 / Physicians


On the evening of November 20, all Northern Health MOIS’ will be upgraded to MOIS 2.26. Two changes with this update will affect providers directly:

Currently when there is an apheresis platelet collection instrument alarm due to a possible out of range platelet count, a sample is taken and shipped for platelet yield testing and the platelet component is held until results are received.

BC Cancer in collaboration with the Doctors of BC General Practice & Health Authority Colposcopy Leads have been working on ways to reduce wait times and improve adherence for women who need colposcopy.

The issue: Vasopressin 20 units/mL X 1 mL and 5 mL vials are in critically short supply from the only manufacturer due to a shortage of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).

In an effort to conserve existing large vial formats for use in intensive care due to supply concerns, NH pharmacy services had previously recommended that operating rooms move to exclusively using propofol 1% X 20 mL vials for anesthesia.

Doctors of BC will be conducting its fifth annual Health Authority Engagement Survey. This important survey seeks input on your level of engagement and interaction with our Health Authority.

A rare condition associated with COVID-19, Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and Adolescents (MIS-C), has been described.