 / Physicians


The 43rd annual Northern Doctor's Day will be held November 1 and 2, 2019.

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will be hosting their annual Nati

Pain BC has partnered with Shared Care to run a 3-year pilot project of ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) for Pain.

This month's featured training: Caregiving: Embracing Enough with Denise Brown

The LifeShield® dextrose 50% x 50 mL pre-filled syringe (PFS) products from Pfizer® are on backorder with an expected resupply date of late September 2019.

The Canadian supplied succinylcholine 20 mg/mL X 20 mL vial from Teligent remains on backorder with an anticipated resupply date of mid to late September 2019. An alternative U.S.-labelled succinycholine 20 mg/mL X 10 mL product from Pfizer is now available in Canada to bridge the supply gap.

The shortage of potassium chloride 2 mEq/mL vials is now resolved due to a supply of U.S. labelled Pfizer product and a secondary vendor, Omega, coming to market.