 / Physicians


The Issue: Adult liquid multivitamins with iron (Maltlevol®) has been discontinued from the single source vendor with no direct alternatives available in Canada. NH currently has low stock, which will not be replenished once supply is depleted.

The Issue: All NH stock of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 100 mg/mL x 30 mL vials are expiring on Feb 29, 2020. The sole source vendor has indicated that new stock will be available in mid-March 2020.

A recent meeting at the University Hospital of Northern BC (UHNBC) in Prince George highlighted how a provincial initiative that aims to enhance physician engagement is making a difference.

The Issue: NH pharmacy has received notice from Pharmascience (PMS) that their brand of oral ranitidine 150 mg tablets have demonstrated compliance to Health Canada requirements for NDMA limits and are cleared for distribution and use.

The Winter 2020 edition of the CME newsletter is available now!

This is your resource for upcoming events, quality and improvement opportunities, and more.

This year marked the 43rd annual Northern Doctors Day, a chance for physicians from across the North to come together, socialize, and engage in training and development.

Northern Health’s (NH) Indigenous Health department would like to extend a huge congratulations to the Aboriginal/Indigenous Improvement Committees (A/IHICs), this year’s winner of t