 / Physicians


The sole source provider for the Special Access Programme (SAP) medication, etomidate 2 mg/mL X 10 mL vials, is experiencing shipping delays and some stock at UHNBC is expiring as of September 30, 2019.

Update on Severe Pulmonary Disease Associated with Vaping or Dabbing:

All oral ranitidine products will be pulled from NH wardstock areas due to the ranitidine oral product recall and alternative products will need to be prescribed until further notice. At this time, injectable ranitidine has not been affected.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 50% intravesical aqueous solution is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals with no other suppliers available. The current product on the market is expiring with an anticipated gap in therapy of 30 day until new product enters the market in November.

Immediate Practice Change Update

One of the global suppliers of heparin, China, has experienced active ingredient issues due to various reasons and this is expected to increase strain on other heparin suppliers.

As such, a proactive approach to conserving the stock we have in Northern Health is recommended.

There are three suppliers of hydroxyurea capsules in the Canadian marketplace.