 / Physicians


BC Children’s Hospital is launching a new province-wide service to support evidenced based care to all B.C. children and youth living with mental health and substance use concerns.

Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs)

NH Emergency Operations Centres continue planning for and monitoring wildfire-related impacts to NH facilities and services. 

Applications are now being accepted for the available 2018/2019 Seed Grants. Funding opportunities are available to a maximum of $5000 per quality improvement initiative.

The Northern Trauma Program, in partnership with the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Business Intelligence Research Group and NH Information Technology Services, has developed the NH Trauma Dashboard.  

A letter has been released regarding the change of available products on the Canadian Blood Services formulary for the care of patients requiring subcutaneous immune globulin (Ig

NH August Formulary Update - Effective August 20th, 2018

For more information, please contact:

Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs)

Northern Health has Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) activated at various levels of the organization to coordinate and support the response to wildfire-related issues in regions of concern, including: