 / Physicians


Resolution: Availability of famotidine 10 mg/mL X 2 mL injectable has stabilized and NH pharmacy has adequate stock to support usual usage across the health region.

The Issue: Sodium phosphate 3 mmol/mL injection continues to be available in limited quantities only (reduced monthly order allocation). NH has approximately 2 to 3 weeks of supply between current pharmacy stock and stock available in patient care areas.

Due to changes in hazardous drug handling throughout British Columbia, Northern Health is transitioning to a methotrexate pre-filled syringe (PFS) format at select sites.

The Issue: Sanofi has been unable to provide adequate order volumes of some formats of enoxaparin (Lovenox®) to meet usage requirements across NH. However, three biosimilar enoxaparin products are now available in Canada and on formulary (Noromby™, Redesca®, and Inclunox®).

The Issue: Moxifloxacin 400 mg ready-to-use (RTU) injectable bags are on full backorder from the sole source vendor and all NH supply will expire on October 31, 2021.

NH October Formulary Update  - Effective October 5, 2021

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