 / Physicians


Medical Staff communications is working to develop and deliver a communications strategy. Shar McCrory, Communications Lead, Medical Affairs presented the draft to the Northern Health Medical Advisory Committee (NHMAC) in January and received some great feedback. 

Starting January 29, 2024, cervix screening in BC will start to transition from solely cytology (Pap test) to include human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as a primary screening method.

An influenza outbreak has been declared on the cardiac ward at St. Paul’s Hospital (SPH) on Sunday, January 21, 2024. The temporary closure of the SPH Cardiac ward is limiting capacity to receive cardiac transfers from Northern Health.

The Mental Health & Substance Use (MHSU) regional team would like to circulate an update on the upcoming changes with the Mental Health Act: specifically, a change from Form 4 (Medical Certificate – Involuntary Admission) to

We are pleased to introduce the refreshed Northern Health Strategic Plan – Looking to 2025, which was approved by the Northern He

The NH Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Program is pleased to announce that the 2022-2023 Annual Report is now available.

On behalf of Dr. Paul Mullins, Medical Lead, NH Colon Screening Program and Dr. Zeinab Moinfar, NH Cancer Screening Lead: